As you may have read in the latest blog entry, I made the decision to leave Little & Company after 6 wonderful years. Although, it was a tough decision, I'm looking forward to my next opportunity. I'll be working at Target in their in-house agency where I'll be doing account work, similar to what I'm doing now. And, yes, this means Trav and I will be working together! We're not worried at all because Travis has been a client of L&Co.'s throughout the years, so we're not scared. Before I start working at Target, I will be enjoying 2 weeks off in order to work on a few miscellaneous projects and to research daycare for Baby R.
Some of you have been asking what our baby room furniture looks like. We're waiting on one more delivery from Baby Grand, but other than that the room will be pretty much ready for delivery day. Once the room is complete, we'll take another pic and show you the finished look. Enjoy!
CRIB - Two tone white and mocha finish (ignore the bedding, this is not what we chose. see below.)
DRESSER/CHANGER - Two tone mocha and white finish
GLIDER CHAIR - Charcoal Gray Pillow and Chair
BABY CRIB BEDDING SET - Reversible set. The solid side matches the wall color and the dots will pull colors out of artwork we're using from Trav's Grandpa's children's book. We plan to scan in the artwork and create canvas art using the illustrations.
CURTAINS - I'm almost finished making new curtains. The pattern is a bit wild even for us, but we're loving it! The faux wood-grain pattern pulls from the yellow-green dot in the bedding and will play off the children's book imagery. The book theme images, mentioned above, are illustrated as "camping" and styled like Dick, Jane & Spot.