
Q&A time.

So now that we've made the full announcement to just about everyone, the fun questions are flowing. Here are the answers that we know right now, but we sort of make it up as we go. Feel free to post comments below if you'd like. 
  1. When are you due? August 6th.
  2. Are you finding out the sex early? After some discussion, we're both very excited to find out early, at our March appointment. 
  3. How are you feeling? It's been pretty rough. We're both pretty optimistic that being sick has been a blessing. They say it's a sign that the baby's doing well and growing!
  4. Are your parents excited? Absolutely!
  5. Have names in mind? Well, Katie did marry a Copywriter!
  6. Are you going to tell your name choices? We're going to try and keep this a secret. But we 'might' get too excited and just share. 
  7. What room will be the nursery? We're converting our office (across from our bedroom) into the baby's haven. Then our guest bedroom will become a combo guest room/office. Done.
  8. How's Travis been? He's been an amazing gentleman who's been taking such good care of me. He sure loves me, and his baby.

One response to “Q&A time.”

Anonymous said...

That Travis was a pretty cute kid so I'm not sure what happened! (J/K) Congrats again to both of you!!!