
Brobee vs. Owen.

We recently blogged about O-Rob's newest sidekick, Brobee. Well, we should share the latest happs with our loyal blog followers... Owen and Brobee got into a brawl of epic proportions last weekend. As you can see, it all started with Brobee brazenly shoving his fist up Owen's mouth. Not a wise move. O-Robs didn't like that one bit. He counter-attacked his striped friend with a head-over-heels flipsy doodle. Then stymied him with a crazy shaking move like something out of Mommy Dearest. Finally, O-Robs finished the monster off with a bite to the horns- all three of 'em.
But like all best buds, they ended up being friends again about 41 seconds later. No harm done, except for the pair of slobber-drenched arms on Brobee. (We had to hang Brobee upside down to dry. Pretty funny to see.)

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