
Wolf wedding.

Our good friends Jess & Karl (Wolf) got married this weekend, and Mama Bird and I were there to cel-e-brate in style. The wedding was in Mendota Heights at this beautiful church overlooking the river. And the reception was near Hastings at a cool place called Pioneer Village. Basically, it's a small town within itself that is completely private and owned by this man who "collects" old local landmarks. There was an old gas station, schoolhouse, church and other historical buildings there. And a little thing we like to call "fun."

Looking out over the farm.
The Groom and the Goon.
The Bride and the Bird.
"Uh oh. Better have that ambulance ready."
Elvis is in the building. Karl slays the crowd with his rendition of "Suspicious Minds."
"Did that guy in the blue shirt just split his pants?"

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